

1. Each “tie” (team competition) between two teams shall consist of two Men’s Singles, one Women’s

Singles, two Men’s Doubles, two Women’s Doubles, and two Mixed Doubles matches, for a total of

nine matches per tie. Each match shall be the best of three games to twenty one points with rally-point

scoring. The winner of a tie shall be the team that wins the most number of matches in that tie.

2. During Pool Play and during round robin Playoffs involving 3 teams, all nine matches in a tie shall be

played regardless of whether the result of that tie is already decided before the completion of all nine


3. The order of matches played in a tie shall be Men’s Singles, then Women’s Singles, then Men’s

Doubles, then Women’s Doubles, and ending with Mixed Doubles unless otherwise agreed by the

team captains and approved by the Tournament Referee. Captains should work together to

establish a sequence of matches that minimizes player conflict or player back-to-back

matches. If unable to agree, the default order will be as above. Captains should make sure their

team is aware of the agreed order and ready to play as soon as a match is finished.

4. The final group positions will be decided by the number of ties won by each team.

5. If two teams finish with identical win - loss records, then their relative positions shall be determined

based on the winner of the tie between those two teams.

6. If three or more teams finish with identical win - loss records, then their relative positions shall be

determined based on the difference between total matches won and total matches lost, with greater

difference ranked higher. If this still leaves two teams tied, the winner of the tie between them shall be

ranked higher.

7. If three or more teams still cannot be separated based on (6) above, then their relative positions shall

be determined according to additional criteria specified by the Referee.

8. At a minimum of thirty minutes before a tie is scheduled to commence, the team captain shall

hand a Match Record Sheet to the Referee detailing which team members will play which

matches in that tie.

9. Of the two men selected to play singles, the strongest (ie lower ranking #) player must play the first

Men’s Singles.

10. Of the two pairs selected to play Men’s Doubles, Women’s Doubles and Mixed Doubles, the strongest

(ie lower ranking #) pair must play in the number one position and the weakest in the number two

position (see rules 12 – 13 below).

11. The relative strengths of the pairs in Men’s Doubles, Women’s Doubles and Mixed Doubles shall be

determined by comparing the “Notional Ranking Totals” of each pair. A pair’s Notional Ranking Total is

obtained by adding the ranking number (1, 2, 3 etc.) of each of the two players in the pair, as shown

on the Team Roster / Ranking form submitted prior to the start of the tournament. A lower Notional

Ranking Total indicates a stronger pair.

12. If two doubles pairs selected by the team captain have the same Notional Ranking Total then the

captain may place them in either order on the Match Record Sheet. However the order of these pairs

must remain consistent from tie to tie.

13. In each tie a player may play a maximum of two different events. For example, Player A may play

one singles event and one doubles event, a singles event and a mixed doubles event, or a doubles

event and a mixed doubles event. 

14. The relative ranking positions of players / pairs must be consistent from one tie to another, except if an

appeal has been lodged (see rules 19, 20, 21, below) and the Referee has ruled that a ranking change

is required, then the new ranking ordered must be applied for all subsequent ties.

15. The team captain may select different team lineups for each tie.

16. A team must select players for all nine matches in a tie if they have sufficient players to do so.

17. If a team has insufficient players to play all nine matches in a tie, then the lowest level positions must

be the ones left unfilled e.g., second Men’s Doubles, second Women’s Doubles, second Mixed


18. Immediately after a tie is completed, captains must submit a signed scoresheet to the

tournament desk. All match winners must be encircled, with final scores of each match

properly recorded.

Appeals and Miscellaneous

19. The opposing team captain in a tie may lodge an appeal to the Referee against the inclusion or

relative ranking of any of the other team's players / pairs selected to play in that tie. The preferred

course is to challenge before play in that tie has commenced, however if a challenge is made

during a tie, the player(s) in question will be monitored and if the challenge is upheld, the

matches concerned will be forfeited.

20. The Referee has the right to exclude or reverse the relative rankings of a team's players / pairs either

as a result of an appeal by the opposing team's captain or of the Referee's own volition. The decision

reached is final and may not be appealed further.

21. Any decision by the Referee to exclude a player, reverse the relative rankings of a team's players /

pairs, or otherwise modify roster / rankings in any way applies to the tie under consideration and all

future ties; it shall not affect the results of previously played ties.

22. Once the Match Record Sheet for a tie is submitted by the team captain to the Referee, a player may

not be substituted for in that tie, even in the event of injury or illness.

23. A team containing a player who has not appeared ten minutes after his / her match should have

commenced according to (3) above may be subject to default of that match. The decision to

default will be made by the Referee.


24. Yonex AS30 shuttles will be provided and used throughout.

25. Warm ups must be restricted to a maximum of three minutes for first match of the day.

Thereafter, two minutes is the maximum allowed warmup time. Captains should share the order of

play with their players and ensure that they are ready to play when a match is finished. Time is


26. Acceptable badminton clothing must be worn during play.

27. Coaching during rallies is prohibited. A rally during which coaching has been observed should

cease and be deemed a ‘Let’. Captains must notify the Referee immediately, before play re-

commences, in matches with no umpire on court.

28. Line calls are the responsibility of the players on court, each calling for their side of the court only.

Spectators are not to make calls nor are they to offer calls even if players are unable to make their

own calls. If players were unsighted, then ‘Let’ should be played for that rally.

29. Good sportsmanship and fair calls are expected throughout the tournament.

30. Medals and trophies will be awarded.

31. The Tournament Director and Referee reserve the right to change any of the above rules.

32. Teams must clean up after themselves during and at the end of each day.